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Under Secretary Meets Office Supervisors
(L) Ms Maureen Kasande (Under Secretary Judiciary) speaking to the Office Supervisors at the High Court in Kampala

The Under Secretary,Ms Maureen Kasande, met with office supervisors of different courts to discuss their work experiences and devise solutions for the challenges they encounter

At the meeting,which took place at the Judiciary headquarters, the Under Secretary encouraged the participants to utilize the platform to share freely. 

The challenges were as many as the courts represented. Kira Chief Magistrates Court reported a problem of flooding and overflowing toilets and lack of furniture.

For Kasangati Court,it was lack of a process server, which poses a challenge on who should serve court documents. This was compounded by the lack of automated systems or personnel to manage IT.

Other challenges included court seals bearing old court names. This was the case for Nateete-Rubaga Court whose seal still has Mwanga II. The other concern was lack of signage, faulty plumbing systems and the faulty generator at the Commercial Court

The biggest challenge-that cut across all courts was lack of stationary and toner at the stations mainly for this quarter. Additionally, toner could only be accessed through the IT department.

In response, Ms Kasande appealed to all the office supervisors to formally write to the Permanent Secretary raising the issues and further urged them to follow up on the process. 

On the issue of stationary and toner, she advised that they write down all the items that are needed at the station and give the list to headquarters supervisor, Mr. Lamech Were.  

She added that the IT Department has nothing to do with the toner distribution and should concentrate on installing software, improving internet connectivity and related tasks.

Ms Kasande reiterated that her job is to put systems in place. She said that with such interactions there would be improved station management.

Posted 23rd, September 2020
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